PyPlotter -
a free Graph Plotting Library for Python/Jython

This webpage is outdated. For up to date information about CoopSim, please go directly to:

What is PyPlotter ?

screenshot from pyplotter

PyPlotter is an open source 2D graph plotting package for Python and Jython. It was primarily written for use in the CoopSim package. If you do not rely on Jython support or any other of PyPlotter's special featurs (see key features list below), you will probably be better off with one of the more common Python plotting packages like Matplotlib or ReportLab, both of which offer much richer plotting support than PyPlotter.

Latest Version is PyPlotter 0.9.2 beta (September 6th, 2015). See the changes log  for details.

Key Features

  • Device Independence through a slim and easy to implement driver interface. Currently, PyPlotter supports wxWidgets, PyGTK, PyQt, tkinter, Java SWING/AWT and postscript output.
  • Full Jython compatibility!
  • Easy to adjust to other GUIs (such as Qt or Windows GDI) or other output devices (postscript or gif file renderers for example, which are presently supported only indirectly through wxWidgets).  It should not take an experienced programmer more than half a day to write a new interface driver for PyPlotter.
  • Cartesian graphs with automatic range adjustment and automatic caption.
  • Logarithmically scaled graphs.
  • Simplex Diagrams, such as are used in evolutionary game theory.
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Screenshot Gallery

Click on the images to see them in full size
screenshot pyplotter
screenshot pyplotter
PyPlotter displaying a simple sine curve
PyPlotter displaying trajectories on a simplex diagram

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The documentation of CoopSim is available online. You can browse the PyPlotter online documentation here.


Required for PyPlotter :
download Python 2.1 or higher from
or download Jython 2.1 or higher from
PyPlotter Package:
Windows installer: PyPlotter-0.9.0.win32.exe (slightly outdated version!)
PyPlotter Source Code :
Source code: PyPlotter-0.9.2.tar.gz
Latest Source Code The latest source code of PyPlooter can be found as part of the CoopSim package on GitHub:
a package for calculating population dynamics. This is in a very early state, but you may want to download it, to see some further examples of how to use PyPlotter.
Windows installer: PopulationDynamics-0.1.0.win32.exe
rpm package: PopulationDynamics-0.1.0-1.noarch.rpm
Source code: PopulationDynamics-0.1.0.tar.gz
Source as rpm: PopulationDynamics-0.1.0-1.src.rpm
A computer simulation of the evolution of cooperation. PyPlotter has been used for this application.
Download CoopSim from the CoopSim Homepage.


PyPlotter has been programmed by Eckhart Arnold

If you would like to contact me, please write to:

My personal homepage:
Website of Theoretical Philosophy in Düsseldorf:
Website of the Python programming language:
Website of Jython, the Java version of Python:
Homepage of CoopSim a simulation application that uses PyPlotter:
Matplotlib: Very rich plotting library for Python:
ReportLab: Powerful plotting and PDF generation packet for Python:

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